Conflicts of Interest
The Journal of Innovations in Internal Medicine (JIIM) is committed to maintaining transparency and integrity in the research and publication process. To uphold these values, all parties involved in the journal's operations, including authors, reviewers, and editors, must disclose any potential conflicts of interest (COIs) that could influence the objectivity of the research, review, or editorial process.
1. Definition of Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest arises when personal, financial, or professional relationships have the potential to influence, or appear to influence, an individual's objectivity, judgment, or actions regarding their role in the research and publication process. COIs can include, but are not limited to:
- Financial Interests: Employment, grants, funding, honoraria, stock ownership, paid expert testimony, or consultancies.
- Personal Relationships: Relationships with individuals or institutions that could bias decision-making.
- Professional Affiliations: Membership in organizations or editorial boards that may present a conflict.
2. Author Responsibilities
Authors are required to:
- Declare Any Conflicts: Disclose any financial, personal, or professional relationships that could be perceived as conflicts of interest at the time of manuscript submission.
- Provide Transparency Statements: Include a conflict of interest statement within the manuscript that outlines any potential conflicts, or explicitly state, “The authors declare no conflicts of interest.”
- Acknowledge Funding Sources: Clearly state any funding sources for the research in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript, specifying any role the funding body had in study design, data collection, analysis, or publication.
3. Reviewer Responsibilities
Reviewers must:
- Disclose Conflicts: Notify the editorial team if they have any potential conflicts of interest that could bias their review process, such as a close personal or professional relationship with the authors or their institutions.
- Recuse Themselves When Necessary: Decline to review a manuscript if a significant conflict of interest exists that would prevent an impartial review.
4. Editorial Responsibilities
Editors are required to:
- Identify and Address COIs: Monitor and manage any conflicts of interest throughout the editorial process. Editors must recuse themselves from handling a manuscript if a COI is identified.
- Maintain Transparency: Ensure that all declared conflicts of interest from authors and reviewers are addressed appropriately and made transparent to the readers.
- Disclose Personal COIs: Editors must disclose any COIs they may have related to submitted manuscripts and transfer editorial duties to another qualified editor if necessary.
5. Managing Disclosures
- Author Disclosures: The journal will include COI statements within the published articles. If authors declare conflicts of interest, this information will be available in a dedicated section of the article.
- Reviewer and Editor Disclosures: The journal will ensure that COIs disclosed by reviewers and editors are appropriately managed and documented within the journal’s internal records.
6. Handling Undisclosed COIs
If undisclosed conflicts of interest are identified post-publication, the journal will:
- Investigate: Conduct a thorough investigation to assess the impact of the undisclosed COI.
- Publish Corrections: If necessary, publish a correction or addendum to disclose the conflict of interest.
- Retract Articles: Retract the article if the undisclosed COI significantly affects the integrity or conclusions of the work.
7. Conflict of Interest Form
All authors, reviewers, and editors are required to complete and submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form provided by the journal during the submission or review process.
8. Appeals
Authors and reviewers have the right to appeal decisions related to conflicts of interest. Appeals should be submitted in writing to the editorial office, where they will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or an independent committee for a fair resolution.
9. Transparency and Integrity
JIIM strives to maintain the highest level of transparency to build trust with readers and the academic community. Disclosing conflicts of interest is essential for promoting a fair and impartial research and publication environment.